Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

MEDIUM (TV, 2005-2011)

Allison DuBois (Patricia Arquette), in between being married and a mother of three kids is also a freelance consultant and investigator for the Phoenix District Attorney's office. She also happens to be a gifted psychic who uses her insight to help sort out cases for the DA. Clues usually come to Allison in her dreams, though during the series we also see her picking up psychic vibrations from touching items or even just being at the locations where events have occured, or are just about to happen. For DC it would be a more subtle way of dealing with empathy than Scanners! Personally I found this show to be one of the more thoughtful and intelligent things I had seen in a while. In particular, the performances are a cut above what you get in many other shows of this ilk. The core casting is almost perfect, from the DA right through to the three DuBois daughters, at least two of whom seem to be gifted similarly to their mother.
Oh, and if they gave prizes for sarcasm then husband Joe (Jake Weber) would definitely win!
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

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Christopher Lambert plays former Special Forces officer Brennick, arrested along with his wife (Loryn Locklin) while attempting to cross into Canada illegally. As the movie progresses we discover that in this future America couples are allowed only one child, and the Brennicks are expecting their second after the loss of their first.
For the crime, Brennick is sent to the corporation-controlled maximum security prison (the Fortress of the title), where prisoners are fitted with implants which can cause agonising pain and even death...and as if that wasn't enough the prison's Director is an 'enhanced' human and also borderline psychotic. Guess what Brennick decides to do? If you said 'escape' then give yourself three cheers...
In all, an okay flick in that you do give a damn about the leading characters. The casting is good for the style of movie, especially Prison Director Poe who is played with relish by Kurtwood Smith, formerly known as the guy who killed Murphy in 'Robocop'. He is outdone for sheer loony value only by the evil prison bully, played by Vernon Wells, formerly the punk biker Wez in 'Mad Max 2: Road Warrior'.
Big fights, slight over-acting and cut-out supporting characters...what else do you need from a movie like this?
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

Max Headroom (TV, 1987)

According to the opening credits, the action in 'Max Headroom' takes place '20 Minutes Into The Future'. The basis of the show is simple: in the near future the giant TV corporation Network 23 has the highest rated shows. One of these features the investigative journalist Edison Carter (played by Matt Frewer). During one investigation Carter is knocked out after a high-speed chase within the Network 23 building, and in order that the bad guys can determine how much Carter knows they use a revolutionary new technique to upload his mind into a computer generated simulacrum. Taking the name Max Headroom, the simulation aids and abets Carter, his studio controller Theora Jones (the lovely Amanda Pays) and newsroom producer Murray (Jeffrey Tambor) in a series of humorous but darkly futuristic adventures.
A cool show all round, especially as it contains a wealth of material that can be utilized pretty much as it comes in any DC or Cyberpunk style game. The cityscapes are believable, and there is enough corporate scheming to keep even Machiavelli himself busy. If you get the chance to see this show, look out for some of the supporting characters...especially Blank Reg and the body snatchers Breugel and Mahler. - Lee
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

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Press photographer Steve Blake (Douglas Hodge) is the only witness to the fiery car crash death of James Wilson, head of the National Energy Council. When he goes to offer his condolences to Wilson's widow he is greeted at the door by the man himself, very much alive and well. His journalistic suspicions alerted, Blake's investigations lead him to Melissa Gates (Lia Williams), the wife of a policeman who survived the catastrophe which swept the village of Sweethope into the sea. Since then he has risen rapidly to the rank of Chief Superintendent, but is Gates (Leslie Grantham) still the same man Melissa married? Together, Blake and Melissa begin to uncover the terrifying truth about the men who have returned from the dead: all over the world an inhuman conspiracy is grasping the reins of power (Adapted from the cover blurb of the novelization by Paul Cornell)

I liked this show. Okay, it was basically a re-hash of all the old invasion flicks like Children of the Damned and Invasion of the Bodysnatchers but the 90's cynicism and paranoia add something to this. Definitely adds a modern edge to an old storyline. Douglas Hodge in the lead role plays the flawed and unwilling hero perfectly, whilst former British soap star Leslie Grantham is believably menacing as Gates.

Clichéd setup? Heard the plot before? Don't worry about that, if this comes up watch it. Look out too for the evil corporation who are taking over the world's computer systems by standardizing software...and the main bad guy's name is Gates. Pure coincidence of course. - Lee
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

War of the Worlds (TV, 1988)

Based upon the version of events portrayed in the 1953 movie, this series ran for only two seasons, each with its own very distinct flavour. The story centres around a special unit set up by the US government to counter any future threat of alien invasion. Heading the unit's scientific arm is Dr Harrison Blackwood (Jared Martin). His original team includes Dr Suzanne McCullough (Lynda Mason Green) and computer genius Norton Drake (Philip Akin), and liaison officer Lt Col Paul Ironhorse (Richard Chaves) who is also head of the elite military unit Omega Force.

In the first season, the project pitted their wits against a group of rejuvenated alien survivors of the 1953 invasion attempt. The Blackwood team had a secure secret HQ and the full backing of the US DoD. In their lair, the team would investigate the strange alien technology which looked like it had been grown rather than made. However, they discovered that a second and final attempt to subjugate the Earth was imminent...

In the second season they arrived, and everything changed for the team. After the loss of the secret base and some personnel, the survivors found themselves in a rat infested, polluted and generally dark future kind of city. This was a world away from the secluded country retreat they were used to, and the only person to aid them is the 'forcibly retired' ex-soldier John Kincaid (Adrian Paul of the Highlander TV show). With no back-up, no tools or equipment and disguised aliens roaming the dark streets outside, the second season maintains a high background level of paranoia and desperation right until the end. Sadly the series was cancelled after a write in campaign about the level of violence, and the final episode is obviously stuck on with old chewing gum. Still, another one of my personal faves. - Lee.
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

Ultraviolet (TV, 1998)

London detective Michael Colefield (Jack Davenport) is drawn into a dark underworld when his best friend goes missing just hours before his wedding, at which Colefield was to be Best Man. Colefield's path leads him eventually to the Scotland Yard anti-terrorist unit, where he discovers a hidden organization within the British police dedicated to fighting vampires. This team is a joint venture backed by the government and the Roman Catholic church. Colefield is recruited into the unit, which is headed by Father Harman (Philip Quast). Former soldier Vaughan Rice (Idris Elba) is partnered with Colefield, who quickly learns about the abilities of the vampires (or Code Fives as the team refers to them). These are not the traditional vampires of Hammer movies, nor are they the flouncing dandies of Anne Rice fiction or even the funky modern version as seen in 'Buffy'. No, these vampires see humans as a resource to be factory farmed, and they move in the very highest corporate and social circles.

This is a very credible attempt at a modern vampire/horror story for adults, and succeeds well in almost all areas. it is a dark and scary world that Colefield moves through however, and all the depths of humanity's bad side are on display. Definitely not one for the kids, and indeed if you are easily offended by 'adult themes' then don't watch this. For the rest of you, if you want to see British TV for grown-ups at its best then watch this...preferably alone late at night. - Lee.
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

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Poltergeist: The Legacy

A well organized and financed group (cell) that investigates, engages, and defeats or thwarts occult denizen plans. Aimed at occult manifestations, the Legacy, a secret organization which is several centuries old, maintains a well established database of occult happenings, including some that disagree with popular histories. The Legacy defends humankind from an Evil incarnate and uses high tech resources, dedicated experts and occult- empowered soldiery. Each episode the team is assailed by a new threat. Some are aimed directly at the Legacy, some are aimed at those close to the team, some are aimed at the public at large.

The team or cell is stationed in a Legacy-operated mansion/castle in the San Francisco area, although they can operate all over the globe. Most episodes deal with demons, ghosts, poltergeists (hence the name), sorcerers, witches, and other occult manifestations. It is comprised Doc Savage-like by a group of highly- capable- but- narrow- scoped individuals. The leader is a research scientist in the occult. Other cell members include a psychiatrist, an ex-Navy SEAL, a priest, and a psychic researcher.

The plots are typical and fairly predictable, especially to someone familiar with Dark Conspiracy. Sometimes the character actions are incongruous with their demon-hunting backgrounds. Demon hunters should know demon actions a little better when they see them. There is also a bit too much character introspection. The acting is good, the high tech stuff, while not thoroughly explained is sufficient to suspend disbelief. The special effects, while not spectacular, are good enough.

In terms of Dark Conspiracy, the Legacy would make a good cell. I would use the Legacy as a template if I wanted highly trained well-funded specialists to challenge the Dark Minions. The Legacy would make a great source of otherwise obscure information and provide some solid contacts. The occult background is easily swappable to Dark Lord/Minion activities. The composition of the team is fairly representative of an average DC party, maybe a little on the too-capable side.

Another side to consider, from the GM perspective is that the Minions will attack high profile PCs, like Legacy members, in indirect, subtle and personal ways -- like through family members. One episode had a disguised witch teaching a member's daughter to hex another Legacy team member. Who ya gonna kill? From the PC perspective, the show demonstrates how a cell member operates within the context of demon hunting. There is a lot of interpersonal stuff that can help players develop character backgrounds.

Poltergeist: the Legacy is definitely worth watching from a role playing perspective. - Norm
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Linden »

Ultraviolet is great, even the presence of well known plank impersonator Jack Davenport doesn't drag it down too much. The Uninvited is, despite a promising first episode, utterly incoherent sh*te. Still if we're talking about inspiration for Dark Conspiracy it's probably very much a case of never mind the quality, feel the width. Bearing that in mind I'd suggest Invasion: Earth - British TV series about a Lovecraftian alien incursion into our reality. Again rather loses traction in the later episodes but has some striking moments in its depiction of humans facing up to something utterly beyond their comprehension. Extra cool points for casting Fred Ward too. Written by Jed Mercurio, better known to UK audiences these days for Line of Duty and The Bodyguard.
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

Linden wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:36 pm The Uninvited is, despite a promising first episode, utterly incoherent sh*te. Still if we're talking about inspiration for Dark Conspiracy it's probably very much a case of never mind the quality, feel the width.
Agreed on all counts 8) The Uninvited does have plenty going on that can be mined for DC, but like many other TV and film inspirations it's not among the best!
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Linden »

I was just thinking, given his recent departure, I should watch a classic Rutger Hauer* straight to video film. Split Second is the obvious choice but I've watched it a fair few times before. Thinking of giving Wedlock a go. Anyone seen it? I gather it's science fiction, but near future with a real '80s vibe, sounds like our sort of thing?

*surely the archetypal Dark Conspiracy leading man?
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

A few things regarding Linden's latest post...

Rutger Hauer as DC's "leading man" - that's pretty accurate 8) Split Second (which just is DC 1 on film), Blade Runner, Crossworlds, Armageddon (not that one!) - yep, legit.

As for Wedlock, I've not seen that in years but the idea of an open prison that you can't stray from because your head (and that of your unknown partner) will explode if you are too far apart is definitely nasty enough for DC :twisted:
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Marcus Bone »

Morthrai wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:34 pm THE UNINVITED (TV, 1997)

Press photographer Steve Blake (Douglas Hodge) is the only witness to the fiery car crash death of James Wilson, head of the National Energy Council. When he goes to offer his condolences to Wilson's widow he is greeted at the door by the man himself, very much alive and well...
Sounds more like Captain Scarlet to me :P
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Morthrai »

Marcus Bone wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:42 pm Sounds more like Captain Scarlet to me :P
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by Linden »

Morthrai wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:33 pm

As for Wedlock, I've not seen that in years but the idea of an open prison that you can't stray from because your head (and that of your unknown partner) will explode if you are too far apart is definitely nasty enough for DC :twisted:
Trailer looks positively delirious and none-more-eighties (despite being released in 1991). Have to watch this soon!
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Re: Dark Conspiracy Movie Database Rides Again, sort of

Post by ReHerakhte »

Wedlock - yes, in my opinion,definitely worth a look.
Another sci-fi, prison-break movie but with the complication that, as Lee mentioned, an inmate is "wedded" to another, (identity unknown) inmate via explosive collars. No prison walls, fewer guards needed, on the whole, a lot less expensive than a traditional prison - big cost savings for the government or corporation that operates the facility.

From what I recall electronic monitoring isn't mentioned but it might be implied (it has been quite some time since I saw the movie :lol: ).
Regardless, it would be easily incorporated for use in DC
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