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[Nature & Nurture] Character Occupations - Part I

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:25 am
by Marcus Bone
Occupations represent the learning and skills acquired by a hero in their adult life. I've intentionally been pretty generic with the occupations, allowing a range of actual positions/roles within each option, so that, for example, two players with say Agent characters can actually be very different in style.

I've also broken the character occupations into two separate posts, mainly due to size.
Despite the doom and gloom of Dark America, typical Working Joes are still the backbone of the economy. Individuals with the right skills and knowledge are in high demand in the workplace, while even the factories and plants still have some call for manual labour… right? Like those of us who ply our trades in the real world, characters in Future Dawns have an almost unlimited number of employment options available to them; if one can earn money from it, then someone’s bound to be doing it.

What follows is a range of common occupations that could reasonably be undertaken by a Hero prior to embarking on their pursuit of the truth.

These days there seems to be more government organisations than ever before. Unfortunately most of them seem to exist to just keep an eye on the others. Many of these agencies people have heard of - the FBI, CIA, IRS, SEC, BIA, etc. – but many more never have – the Committee for National Security (CNS), the Electronic Counter Information Agency (ECIA), and a myriad of other three and four letter acronyms.

You work for one of these grand organisations, as a field agent, investigator, office researcher or even a data analyst. Your skills and diligence keeps America free from the conflicts and upheavals occurring in other parts of the world.

No matter how bleak the world might seem, there is always going to be demand for entertainment in any number of forms. While formats such as television and movies have continued to entrap viewers, the costs of such media has seen a rapid rise in stage presentations, poetry and book readings and impromptu plays.

However, while artists (of all types), actors and writers don’t have trouble finding work, actually making a living from such art forms is a little more difficult. Sure, there is always going to be the high paid few, but for the majority a career as a creative is one of love and poverty.

Crime pays, as the saying goes. While there are definitely more poor and under privileged going around these days, the rich just seem to keep getting richer, and who cares if they lose a few dollars here and there. Hell, with the world the way it is at the moment, it’s not even like the police and authorities seem to care… unless you pick the wrong target of course.

There are many types of criminals, probably as many as there are ‘honest’ jobs going round, from ganger to bikers, pickpockets to burglars, or muggers to thugs. And then there are the crime lords, their bosses and foot soldiers. Whatever your particular ‘interest’ in crime is, you are now deep in a world of illegality and deception, one from which there is often no way out!

There are not too many people in the world who can get away without working for a living, but you are one of them. Instead you spend your time hob-nobbing with the other wealthy citizens, patroning the arts and up late at too many parties of the rich and famous.

But it’s not all just fun and games, perhaps you devote some of your time to worthy causes – local homeless shelters, free medical clients, mentoring and development schemes. Then again, may be not.

There are many reasons why someone leaves everything behind and strikes out on their own. Perhaps they are trying to forget this past, or discover a new future. Few are on a hunt that only they can explain, while others no longer care enough to even realize they are being suddenly abandoned on the streets.

Whatever the reason, the number of destitute and homeless has rapidly increased in the past few years. It’s not that the government hasn’t got a ‘backstop’ in place for the unfortunate, rather that they no longer care what happens to those who decide to leave regular society behind.

As an independent operator, you have been all over the nation. In those travels, you have seen some really weird things and learned to deal with strange customs. Perhaps you’re a trucker, hauling loads for small companies struggling to survive in the shadow of the monolithic government. Or maybe you’re a courier, weaving your way through the traffic clogged streets of the ever enlarging cities. You could even be a simple taxi driver, making ends meet driving those your either don’t want, or can’t afford their own cars.

People are always going to have accidents, no matter what wondrous technologies are created or safety procedures people claim to follow. Whatever your title, you are the one people call for help. Perhaps you’re a Fireman attending inner-city fires and car crashes. Or maybe you work for a Technical Rescue Unit, dealing with accidents all across the nation. You could even be a Search and Rescue worker, travelling the wilderness for those executives that lose themselves in the ever shrinking national parks.

Be it army, navy, air force or marines, you are the backbone of the United States armed forces. Expertly trained, motivated and able to fight anywhere, you are the ‘best of the best’.

War, they say, is the backbone of America’s continued prosperity, although the reality might differ from the theory. In fact, the myriad of bush fire wars and counter insurgencies are happily chewing up most of the nation’s youth in an attempt to claim what little might be left of the world’s dwindling resources.

Still, unlike many in Dark America, you are well-fed and well-housed, and have seen parts of the world that you never knew existed. You are also self sufficient, a crack marksman and well equipped for whatever life might be preparing to throw at you.

The term ‘executive’ conjures a wide range of roles from mid-level project and office managers to upper-level corporate leaders. Despite all that is going on in the world, people need leadership, control and direction. This is what you do.

You make the hard decisions so others don’t have to, and ensure that the tasks you and your organisation undertake are all successes. Still there is always room for improvement and change, and your ideas and guidance can only lead to bigger and brighter things.