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[Taking Up the Fight] Motivational Descriptions

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:16 am
by Marcus Bone
One of the things I want to emphasis in Future Dawns is the reason why characters have taken up the fight against the 'darkness'. To this extent the following are a collection of prompts that should help the players think about their character's specific motivations.

As always, comments, suggestions and feedback is always appreciated!
One of the final steps in imagining a Hero can be to list any events, items or traits that have been important in the life of the character up to the point where they became a Hero. These are called a Hero’s motivational descriptions and should be used to bring the character to life during actual game play.

It is not necessary to create descriptions for all of the motivational descriptions, in fact it is often more interesting to create parts of a Hero’s personality during game play. Furthermore, some of a character’s concepts and background can emerge from the various decisions thee player makes during the rest of the generation process. As such, player are more than welcome to complete any descriptions before or after the have had their ‘Trigger Event’.

Often a human being is defined by an event which occurs earlier in their life. These can be either positive of negative events that shape not only the Hero’s personality, but also their outlook on life in general. Descriptions of Major Events can be as long or short as the player thinks is appropriate, but should briefly detail the actions surrounding the event and effects it had on the Hero life.

Stories about a Hero are often best presented in their own voice. Vignettes allow the player to describe a situation from the point-of-view of the character; giving some insight as to how they see the world and how the personal interact with it.

We all have objects that mean something special to us. Be they the blanket we sleep on as a baby, or our first car. Describing interesting items that a Hero has (or once had) in their position is a good way of seeing what values and memories they hold dear.

Everybody everywhere has some that makes them stand out from the ‘norm’. This motivational description allows a player to note any special talent (or lack of talent) that their Hero might display or hold. While these should impart any overt advantage in regards to the task resolution mechanics (without the Referee’s agreement, of course), they can be used identify the little things that make us individuals (i.e. double joints, ability to complete the prefect shuffle by hand, play spoon or rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time).

The world is full of personalities, some we adore, others we love to hate. Personality Traits are an opportunity for the player to further describe the persona of their Hero, to describe their reacts to various situations, people and environments they will encounter. Of course, characters in Dark Conspiracy can be visualised as different and changeable in behaviour as real-life human beings, and often these fluctuations in attitude and manner that says more about the nature of the Hero than any other aspect of their personality.