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Memorable characters

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:37 pm
by Antenna
Well, I gonna break the ice with a story about a friends char for DC. Remeber there is no real rules in makeing a char for my games do you want something extra you need to think the works for your self.

First I will declare that this char was played by a man and each player wasn't allowed to talk skillnumbers just say "Well, I think I can handle this". The woman Clara Swensson is a normal built, normal heigh, twoman with a taste for woman clothes like dresses the reason why she aint wearing pants is that the player convinced me while we used my newly developed martial arts rules that this woman would have an extra asset in her character, namely easier to feint with kicks while wearing dresses (don't ask why really the twisted minds of my players aint a concern for me as long there is a good play ;)). So she gets according to the rules a good knowledge in some martial arts with lot of kicking and how to use the moves. I try to please the player with at least a "fight with bare hands" now and then becouse there is no more of a pain when you as a player have come up with a twist on your char and you don't going to be able to use it becouse the GM. So the memorable was that this woman was a computer nerd with major skillassets in the computer electronic field, breaking into computer systems was one of the campaigns tasks that players let this char to handle.

So for the short snippet of the story. While ordering some cheap food at a fast food restaurant the players had no guns with them and in rushes these three goons with 1 sawed off shotgun and 2 baseball bats. The players char stands in line to get her order done. From beeing geeky she just stands there when every customer hits the floor (even the other players, who are still not aware of the deadly feets and hands this char got). The goon with the shotgun really pissed off that a small woman in a dress just stands there like nothing have happen inthe fast food points his sawed off shotgun at pointblank range little unsecure and say (well here I don't translate the rude language I was useing as a GM) "Hit the floor". The player just describes what he gonna do. "Why should I" is the players answer, and then a complex manouver to grab the shotgun and point it upwards and kick the first goon on the spoot that all woman like to kick a goon at. The other two goons with baseball bats get alerted at the same time while both barrels from the sawed off hits the roof and some moments later the three goons are badly beaten up. Then she just go to the counter where the cashier has been standing doing more or less the moves like a pantomine the char has made as a raw copy. The cashier says only "wow you are my hero! you saved my day!", the char just asks "can I have the burger meal with an extra soda..."....

The memorable part was when the player described the manouvers for the "fight" and the other players just sat there thinking and you almost could cut the thought with a knife "this player is tired of his char and wants it dead", and then the answer from me (as a secret understanding with the char) you know that this might not work so well for you are you sure you wanna try ?


I might noth have a memorable char but...

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:39 am
by Zvezda
Well that sounds very funny. Hmm I can't keep up with such a good story but I have some nice last words:

GM: "These goons still sit on the tabel they don't seem to have noticed you so far..."
Player 1: "How far are they away?"
GM: "Just 10 meters down the hallway, but it is not possible to pass them unnoticed"
Player2: "Ten meters? That's cool I throw a grenade at them!"
Player2: *Throws the grenade* "Okay now what does [C:3 B:15] mean..."

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:30 pm
by anthraxus
I had a character that became quite infamous amoung our local circle. Tia was a 16 year veteran of the SEALs and was very accustomed to taking orders. In the first campaign she was involved with, we had discovered a megacorp was kidnapping homeless and crazies for some unknown (but assumingly nefarious) purpose. Our plan was to lie in wait for one of the company trucks to drive past on the highway, and highjack it. To that end Tia was posted as a lookout in the woods off the road. Keep in mind that we were several miles outside of the metroplex.

As Tia was standing there waiting for the truck, out of no where a little boy walks up and starts talking to her. As a good soldier in a potentially hostile and dangerous situation she radioed in to the group leader for instructions. She was told to "get rid of the boy" and keep watching. So she immediately turned and killed the kid. We stopped the truck and while the rest of the group was checking out it's contents Tia went back and built a cairn over the boy's body.

Several weeks later, a police report was turned over to us indicating that Tia was now wanted for murder as they found one of her hairs in the cairn. Add that to the fact that a Minion assumed her appearance and went on a three day murder/crime spree, Tia soon became the Most Wanted person in America.

Fast forward a month or two in game time and we are crashed as a little motel. There is a power outage and in the dark someone drops a bunch of rattlesnakes into one of our rooms. The ensuing gunfight resulted in Tia waking up and stepping out of her room, along with most of the other guests of the motel, into the parking area. The night manager comes running out of the office with a shotgun, demanding to know what was going on. In no mood to deal with such a distraction Tia holds up her G11 and points it at the night manager while sweeping the surrounding crowd with a gaze. She said "My name is Tia Van Horne and I am the most wanted person in America. Are you sure you really want a piece of this action?" Everyone immediately turned tail and ran back into their rooms and locked the door.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:47 pm
by Zvezda
What happend to this Characters? Did they die? Did they retire? Or did you just stop playing DC?

I got an other one in famous last words:

"How many bulltets does an AK clip hold?"

Unfortunatly the player asked that after leaving his cover to shout at the dark minions that it was their turn to kick the bucket.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:08 pm
by anthraxus
Tia finally died last year. She was wholly devoured by a Dark Lord if I remember right.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:22 am
by Zvezda
Hell that must have been a terrible loss! After five years with the same PC.

Hey Antenna, would you mind telling us what ever happend to Clara Swensson?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:27 pm
by anthraxus
More of a memorable situation than a memorable character, but here you go.

We had been having an issue of people in our group getting replaced with dopplegangers. So when our GM introduced us to a new guy and said that he would be joining the group we welcomed him with open arms. We told him what had been going on and even gave him a headset, preset to our freq jumping pattern. What he didn't know is that the inside of the headset had been lined with plastique. After several games, he had the misfortune of being mentally possessed by the Dark Lord we were fighting. As he spun around to gun us down with his AK, we all smiled sadly at him as the group leader pressed the button on the radio detonator for his headset.

His look of shock and surprise was classic. Unfortunately, as we had nothing against the guy who was playing, it apparently ruined his taste for the game as he never came back after that.


Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:27 pm
by Zvezda
Now that was the hell of a good story. I am sorry that the guy never came back but the story is just great. So DC and so Paranoid!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:04 am
by Antenna
Zvezda wrote:Hell that must have been a terrible loss! After five years with the same PC.

Hey Antenna, would you mind telling us what ever happend to Clara Swensson?
Well, she meet an Landshrimp and there is not much to tell that "the thing" took her as lunch. :roll:


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:27 am
by Zvezda
Ohhh, poor Clara. It seems as if both your groups had a high moratlity rate. Is that true?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:16 pm
by anthraxus
I wouldn't say my group has a high mortality, but there is probably a character death every 3-5 games. Keep in mind that we only meet once a month, though, so a lot of real world time passes between character deaths and that keeps it from seeming to be very high.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:23 am
by Zvezda
Once a month is not too bad. How many players are in your group?

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:21 pm
by anthraxus
It varies from the core 5 up to 9 I think. We had one game where we had 10 or 11 and everybody agreed that was too many.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:02 am
by Zvezda
11 Players! Including the gm? That must have been the hell to manage. The largest group I ever took part in was 8 players and one gm but it was terible.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:16 pm
by Morthrai
anthraxus wrote:As he spun around to gun us down with his AK, we all smiled sadly at him as the group leader pressed the button on the radio detonator for his headset.
Just like the classic 'Tycho Caine Headache' from the old Mike Stackpole DC novels :)
anthraxus wrote:His look of shock and surprise was classic. Unfortunately, as we had nothing against the guy who was playing, it apparently ruined his taste for the game as he never came back after that.
A shame but that sort of thing does happen.