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PbP - Play Example

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:16 pm
by anthraxus
This thread will serve as an example of how the IP section of this forum should work. As I will be making all the posts I will preface each with the name of the player in bold.

For this example our players will be Bob, John, Tom, and Sophi. Bob is playing Dirk Shelton, an ex-Army Ranger. John is playing Dr. Elias Pembrook, a university professor specializing in parapsychology. Tom is playing Cletus Brown, a former bodyguard and current bounty hunter. Sophi is playing Daphne Dietwieler, an office worker with nascent empathic abilities.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:38 pm
by anthraxus
GM Leadin post
The sun had just disappeared over the horizon and the last classes of the evening were releasing from nearby Wheaton college. The clerk behind the counter of the small gas station just off of campus looked up from the magazine he was reading when the bell on the door rang. There were a few people already in the store, browsing the aisles. The piimply-faced clerk cast an eye at the woman that stepped into the well lit interior.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:31 pm
by anthraxus
Sophi, having been notified in the pre-game PM that the game begins with her stepping into the convienance store after filling the tank on her car.
Daphne steps into the bright store, and pushs her sunglasses on top of her head. She walks towards the back of the store, deftly avoiding any of the other patrons that she passes. She pauses for a moment before pulling open the cooler and withdrawing a case of Busch-Miller beer. Straightening again, she heads towards the counter.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:40 pm
by anthraxus
Bob, notified in the pre-game PM that he is just pulling up to the gas station
Dirk winces at the squeal of the brakes as he stopped the rental at the red light on Presidents. As he idles there, his mind wandering to plans he has made with his girlfriend for tomorrow afternoon, the "low fuel" light on the dash dinged on.

He groans with aggrevation, and glances about for a gas station or something. Spotting one on the left down College St., he flips on his turn signal. As soon as the light changes he guns the LeBouf on to College and into the parking lot, pulling up to the pump. He steps out and around the vehicle, and begins arranging things for the fill up.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:16 pm
by anthraxus
John, starts in the convienance store
Elias frowned sternly at the coffee machine, willing it to brew it's molten treasure faster. He glances up at the bell on the door, but after seeing who entered, turns his attention back to the coffee pot.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:21 pm
by anthraxus
Tom, notified that his bounty, a lady named Mary Williams, is currently in the bathroom of the convienance store where they had stopped for gas and a bathroom break as he returns her to the corp that hired him.
Cletus turns his attention away from his surveillance of the store for a moment to bang loudly on the bathroom door. "Come on, Mary. Let's get going." he yells. He listens carefully for her response, or any other suspicious noises from inside.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:29 pm
by anthraxus
The clerk hits the button to turn on the pump for Dirk, while across the store, Mary calls out of the bathroom to Cletus, "I'm hurrying. I can only go so fast you know!" The alarm on the coffee maker dings as the pot finishes brewing. The dark stream flowing into the pot slows to a trickle.

Cletus hears a toilet flush and seconds later water running in a sink.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:17 pm
by anthraxus
Dirk inserts the spigot of the pump and begins fueling the car. He carefully watches the rolling numbers and stops the flow at $20. After hanging up the handle he heads into the store to pay.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:05 pm
by anthraxus
((OOP Note: My apologies for the delay in this example. Familial emergencies have kept me away from the computer for a few days.))

Daphne sets the case on the counter and opens her purse to begin diggin for her wallet. "I'm in a hurry, please," she says to the clerk as she finds her wallet and pulls it from her purse. She pops the clasp on the billfold and extracts a 20 dollar bill, which she extends towards the clerk.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:09 pm
by anthraxus
Extracting a cup from the stack, Elias begins pouring sugar and non-dairy creamer into the tall foam receptacle. Once the coffee finished pouring he removes the pot from it's stand and pours a healthy amount into his cup. He returns the pot to the heater and turns to snap a lid on his serving. He picks it up and heads up to the counter to pay.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:12 pm
by anthraxus
Gnawing angrily on the toothpick that protruded between his lips, Cletus adjusted the trucker hat that covered his dark hair. Listening to the water in the sink he taps his foot and mutters, "I'm givin' her thirty seconds, and then..."