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Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:07 pm
by Linden
Braxen wrote:I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Nightstalker series yet (old or new)? I caught an episode of the new series this past friday(?) and it wasnt too bad. Neat idea.
I've seen the two films starring Darren McGavin. Enjoyed them both. Saw a couple of episodes of the TV series many years ago. Wasn't quite so impressed by those.

McGavin put in a memorable performance as the minor cabinet official promoted to President (and way beyound his ability) in By Dawn's Early Light. I was wondering if the the nuclear exchange portrayed in that film could be the sort of catastrophe that tips the world over into the dark times. The book its based on, Trinity's Child by William Prochnau, is also well worth reading. A bit dated now though...

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:29 pm
by Zvezda
Braxen wrote: What about Bladerunner?
Yeah what about it? Four thumbs up! Bladerunner is essential!

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:56 pm
by Braxen
Zvezda wrote:
Braxen wrote: What about Bladerunner?
Yeah what about it? Four thumbs up! Bladerunner is essential!
Just checking :lol: . A whole lot of good stuff in that movie. I followed some of the movie elements about rogue cyborgs running amok in the populace. The twist was that one of the rogue cyborgs was one of the players....he said he kept hearing this barely audible beeping sound when he was was amazing how frequently the agency goons kept showing up at the parties "safehouses" :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:45 pm
by Zvezda
Speaking of Bladerunner...if you all of you who havn't seen it should see the directors cut only. It is way better.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:28 pm
by Linden
Zvezda wrote:Speaking of Bladerunner...if you all of you who havn't seen it should see the directors cut only. It is way better.
I rather like the original version, with its Chandleresque voice over, even if nobody else does (including the director and star).

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:24 am
by Zvezda
I think it is strange that they can live happily ever after even though through the rest of the film it looks as if the world is totaly rotten. Anyways I liked the movie when I saw it the first time and I liked it even better when I saw the director's cut. So I am happy with both.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:12 am
by Linden
How about Escape From New York? The following elements seemed characteristic of DC:

1. Shunting social undesirables off into their own ghetto (admittedly more extreme than in DC world).

2. The war and energy crisis in the background. They seem like the kind of events that could occur in the DC timeline.

3. Guns. Snake's modified MAC-10. The police and their M16s

4. The cannibalistic crazies: Morlocks in the making.

5. Brutal and militaristic, yet often impotent, authority.

6. General retro look (although perhaps that wasn't the case when it first came out.

Probably a few more I've missed.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:35 am
by Zvezda
Treacherus tapes!
Yes, escape from NY is a classic! I suggest 'Days of the Condor' very conspiracy but not SF at all.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:15 am
by Zvezda
Who ever suggested 'Cast a deadly spell'...thank you! It was worth looking even though it was a horrible b-movie! Nontheless totally DC.
I think Equilibrium is quite interesting as well.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:34 am
by Linden
Don't think it's been mentioned before, but how about Repo Man? It's got a fair few DC elements: Aliens, Men in Black, Cyborgs (Agent Rogerz), UFO Cultists and gritty street life. Also gives the nod to Film Noir with its Kiss Me Deadly style McGuffin in the back of the car.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:14 pm
by Zvezda
I have never heared about repo man. Has anybody seen the second 'Vampires' with BonJovi? I always thought that might be too much horror for me...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:28 am
by Linden
Zvezda wrote:I have never heared about repo man.
It's a low budget film from the mid 1980s with Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton, plus a load of character actors who'll seem familiar from other movies. It's a strange hybrid of science fiction and a slice of life film. Plenty of info on it at the imdb.
Zvezda wrote:Has anybody seen the second 'Vampires' with BonJovi? I always thought that might be too much horror for me...
I caught the end of it once when I got in from the pub. It didn't look much cop. Never had the urge to seek it out and watch it in its entirety. I rather like the first one though. The book's not bad either, but very episodic and doesn't bear much resemblance to the film.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:04 am
by Zvezda
I never thought it would be worth the time looking for the second one. So if you say is not that good I rather look for repo man.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:03 am
by Linden
Just watched Pleasantville on the TV. Occurs to me that the eponymous town would make a good protodimension. Maybe the PCs could visit for a light hearted change of pace instead of the usual monster hunting. Alternatively, given Pleasantville's susceptibility to change, a Darkling incursion could turn it into somewhere really nightmarish.

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:41 pm
by fenlason
Just got through watching The <b>Dark</b>. It is actually a Welsh ghost story, but it is a pretty good representation of a trapped emapthic creature stuck in a p-dim, <i>Annwyn</i>.

Speaking of p-Dims there is <b>House 2: The Second Story</b> which features Cliff Claven of Cheers fame wielding a saber swash-buckler style. It is pure p-dim madness.

There have been quite a few Japanese (I think) movies lately: <b>The Eye</b> and <b>The Eye 2</b>. Another is <b>Pyrokinesis</b>. These are making the rounds on the cable channels here stateside. Speaking of pyrokinesis, there is always <b>Firestarter</b> and all of the <b>Scanner</b> films -- radical experiments, secret conspiracy, powerful neuropaths.

Speaking of future dystopiea, I would recommend <b>Delicatessen</b> where an undisclosed disaster caused the earth to be encased in clouds, ruining agriculture. Nothing left to eat, but each other. The antagonist is aptly called "boucher". A dark comedy with a funny ending.
