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Crowdfunding in the game world

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:38 am
by ReHerakhte
Saw this in relation to another RPG (Synthicide, a Sci-Fi RPG where humans are second class to robots) where bounties are posted on a forum and the reward money is gained from crowdfunding.
It's an interesting idea and one that I am musing over in relation to the DarkCon campaign I am putting together.

At the moment, I am thinking of all the different forms this could take in the DarkCon setting.
So for example, there could be something like a neighbourhood watch scheme in a Mike area where the locals crowdfund to pay for security guards.
Another variation could be a more covert forum where people anonymously donate money as a reward for vigilantes taking care of "gang problems".
And yet another variant could be even more secretive, a special interest group who anonymously donate money or other resources to assist Minion Hunting groups.
It could even get as crazy as politicians using crowdfunding to pay for their election campaigns - which is sort of how it works already in the real world but in this case, it would be a much more overt approach where they actually set up pages on popular crowdfunding sites.

What other possibilities come to mind?