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Gumshoe Community Content

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:26 pm
by Marcus Bone
I'm overjoyed to see that Pelgrane has opened up a few of their 'lesser' properties to a Community Content licence via Drivethrurpg. This includes Ashen Stars, Fear Itself, and - of most interest to me - The Esoterrorists.

For me The Esoterrorists is a great setting and idea, and I enjoy it more than say Delta Green (which has a very similar premise). As you're probably aware I've written a couple of Esoterrorist scenarios (that I've made available over at my Unbound Book website, and if you know anything about me, you'll know I have more than a couple of others in various states of 'development'.

All of that's simply a long way about say that essentially I'm going to give the CCL a try and will be looking to release something through it soon!

Oh and editors/peer reviewers would be most welcome!
